Francesca Gino, author of Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life

Francesca Gino and Bill Ringle discuss Rebel Talent – what it is and how to cultivate it to achieve greater success in your small business.

>>> Visit for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth. My Quest for the Best is a top-rated small business podcast with over 300 episodes of thought-provoking and insightful interviews with today’s top thought leaders and business experts. Host Bill Ringle’s mission with this show is to provide the strategies, insights, and resources that will unlock the growth potential of your business through these powerful conversations.

Key points that you’ll learn from this interview:

  • Those with Rebel Talent aren’t just the troublemakers and show-offs. Rebelliousness has real advantages in business.
  • The 5 talents that comprise Rebel Talent: curiosity, perspective, diversity, authenticity, and engagement.
  • How Rebel Talents build on their strengths to create a stronger business

Show Notes

  • 2:10 How Francesca’s dad inspired her to work hard, made sure that she engaged deeply with whatever she was studying, and taught her the importance of travel.
  • 3:08 “I’ve always been fascinated by our human nature.”
  • 3:35 “I began to look at breaking rules in a way that was constructive rather than destructive.”
  • 4:26 How a non-traditional recipe book inspired her to create a non-conventional book of her own. She would later use the chef as a case study.
  • 7:01 “Whenever we do case studies, we usually visit the business and have interviews right there in the city where the business is, but instead of just an interview, they put me to work.”
  • 8:53 “For many people, despite the fact that they spend a lot of time at work, work is not a source of inspiration.”
  • 9:50 “Rebelliousness has a lot of advantages for businesses.”
  • 9:56 “We tend to think about rebels the wrong way.”
  • 10:50 The story of a family who ate at the Michelin starred restaurant and what the chef did to appease the two smallest boys seated at the table.
  • 12:41 “Rebels are those who break rules, whether for the constructiveness or destructiveness of the business.”
  • 13:08 The 8 qualities of a rebel.
  • 14:10 “Being a rebel means really being committed to adopting certain behaviors and talents.”
  • 15:18 Why it’s remarkable for a chef to put on his coat and go out to clean the streets.
  • 15:47 “Leaders who really are rebellious are those who also tend to be contagious because they’re modeling the behaviors for others.”
  • 16:57 What a Tennessee/West Virginia fast food restaurant does to make their employees experts at their stations.
  • 17:15 Why it was important for Francesca’s study to be multi-industry.
  • 18:32 “Revealing yourself and reflecting is all about is focusing on strengths instead, and really finding opportunities to be authentic, and that sometimes means making ourselves vulnerable.”
  • 21:24 “By being rebellious, or by being a curious leader you are showing the right behaviors for others.”

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Expert Bio

Francesca Gino is an award-winning researcher and teacher, and a tenured professor at Harvard Business School. Her consulting and speaking clients include Bacardi, Akamai, Disney, Goldman Sachs, Honeywell, Novartis, P&G, and the U.S. Air Force, Army, and Navy. She has been honored as one of the world’s Top 40 Business Professors under 40 and one of the world’s 50 most influential management thinkers. Her work has been featured on CNN and NPR and in The Economist, Financial Times, New York Times, Newsweek, Scientific American, and Psychology Today.

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Resources Mentioned by Francesca Gino:

Below are key people, places, books, quotes, websites, and other resources that we discussed so you can explore further.

Books Authored by Francesca Gino