189: Set Your Standards Higher with guest expert JJ Ramberg

Author and Host of MSNBC’s “Your Business”

MSNBC’s “Your Business” show host JJ Ramberg talks to Bill Ringle about hiring better and developing a team with world-class standards.

>>> Visit MyQuestforTheBest.com  for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth. My Quest for the Best is a top-rated small business podcast with over 300 episodes of thought-provoking and insightful interviews with today’s top thought leaders and business experts. Host Bill Ringle’s mission with this show is to provide the strategies, insights, and resources that will unlock the growth potential of your business through these powerful conversations.

Interview Insights

Listen to this interview to learn:

  • Tactics she uses to thrive as both a journalist and an entrepreneur
  • The importance of having clear criteria for building your team
  • The one question you can ask a new hire to send the message that you care about high standards
  • How to prepare a response to the question, “How can I help?” so that the result is win-win
  • Keys to building good business relationships
  • Book marketing secrets to share your message widely

Read the Show Notes from this Episode

  • 1:04 JJ began as a journalist, and her parents and brother were all entrepreneurs.
  • 3:03 JJ and her brother, Ken, work well together because they have mutual respect and trust, and they recognize each others’ skills.
  • 4:46 The biggest challenge at the start was convincing skeptics that doing something so simple (using GoodSearch.com as one’s primary search engine) could actually make a tangible impact.
  • 7:23 JJ and Ken saw how effective and successful GoodSearch was becoming, both for the causes that were earning quite a bit, as well as the philanthropic impact of so many people wanting to do good on a daily basis, so they created GoodShop and GoodDining, and are not done yet.
  • 9:29 Over 9 million dollars have been raised for these good causes, and over 15 million people have used the site.
  • 11:17 Lisa’s book “It’s Your Business” is all about action-based advice, and she intends for readers to see an idea that they resonate with, put the book down, and go implement that idea.
  • 13:01 One of JJ’s favorite tips is to make it easy for people who offer assistance to actually help, which is done by giving them three specific tasks they can do to help.
  • 16:31 “If somebody asks you for help, give it to them without thinking about ‘what can they do for me later on.’ Building up a network and relationships is about getting people to help you, but it’s also you helping them.”
  • 19:25 JJ sees that people are always striving to improve their business, and she intends her book to assist these folks.
  • 21:11 Once a business owner listens to their customers, they are better equipped to shape their product or business to what the consumers want, which not only serves the business but more importantly serves the consumers.
  • 23:47 JJ is passionate about and skilled at creating a community around giving business-growing advice, rather than just creating content to sell.
  • 26:21 To stay productive and on track, JJ uses to-do lists and her calendar.

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Expert Bio

JJ Ramberg is the host of MSNBC’s Your Business, the only television show dedicated to issues affecting small business owners. Now in its sixth season, the program has profiled thousands of small business owners and offered advice from countless experts and investors. She is also the co-author of It’s Your Business: 183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business.

In 2005, JJ and her brother Ken founded GoodSearch.com, a company that turns your everyday activities into ways to give back to your favorite cause. GoodSearch has raised more than $10 million for its participating charities and schools.

JJ has bounced between entrepreneurial activities and journalism throughout her career, having worked as a producer, reporter, and host for CNN and CNNfn, a producer on Dateline NBC, and the director of business development at Cooking.com. She is also a regular contributor to the TODAY Show on small business and financial issues.

Contact Info for JJ Ramberg 

Published by JJ Ramberg
