MQ4B Booster 22.8 — Use Email Triage to Cut Down on Junk Email at Work

Listen to these two tracks of booster content just for ambitious small business leaders.

Track 1: I’d like to share with you the specific tips that Anne talks about in her book on how to craft a better subject line.

Track 2: I want to offer you a challenge that participants in the Get Your Year in Gear program rave about because it frees their inboxes from clutter and builds stronger systems in their company.

Track 1

Anne points out 5 common mistakes that thwart effective email subject lines in work messages:

Avoid these email subject mistakes for more effective communications

  1. Meaningless subjects
  2. Too much detail
  3. Ambiguous emojis
  4. Clickbait subject lines
  5. Spammy-sounding subject lines

Track 2

Instead of going through it step by step, here is the pivot that you can benefit from right now:

This exercise is called email triage. 

Dedicate 30 minutes, look at the email you’ve sent — not received — and look for patterns and proportions based on these 3 questions.

  1. Who are the top 3 people you message? 
  2. In the last week, what subjects did you write about the most?
  3. Which email messages took the most of your time? Effort? 

It doesn’t take much to cut down on the email you send. for those of you who have jumped to the significant implication, it is far more effective to model the behavior or change you want than to continue to operate the same way and ask others to change.

Use this Email Triage challenge to Cut Down the Junk eMail at Work. |

Start with yourself and see what a difference it makes.