60: You Can Always Sell More – Interview with Jim Pancero

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Jim Pancero, Inc.: Advanced Sales & Sales Management Training

Minneapolis, MN

Listen to this interview to learn:

  • How to measure success during slow sales periods.
  • What sales people and self-taught swimmers have in common.
  • What question to ask your salesperson to quickly determine how strategically he or she is approaching customers.

Expert Bio

Jim Pancero offers advanced, leading-edge “business-to-business” sales and sales management training, always with the bottom line focus of increasing an organization’s strategic competitive advantage and market uniqueness. His information-intensive keynote speeches, training programs and in-depth consulting work detail his innovative selling processes and strategies for the new economy and global marketplace.

Jim has been directly involved in “business-to-business” selling for over 35 years. Six of those years were spent successfully selling the largest computer systems for the Data Processing Division of the IBM Corporation. During Jim’s prestigious IBM career he earned several awards including the coveted “Golden Circle” designation annually awarded to the top 5% of their international sales force.

In 1982, Jim founded his advanced sales training and consulting company. Since then, Jim has conducted over 2,500 presentations or consulting days for 500 companies providing a career average of five events per client. Over 90% of Jim’s clients utilize his services more than once.

For more information, visit Jim’s website.

Contact Info for Jim Pancero

Business Phone: 800-526-0074

Web address: Pancero.com

Travels From: Minneapolis, MN

Follow Jim: Twitter

Books by Jim Pancero