Today I want you to learn from Heather Dominick, founder of a Course in Business Miracles, whose research with entrepreneurship has led her to discover a fascinating statistic: 20% of all entrepreneurs are highly sensitive.
Could it really be that high? Absolutely. What’s even more surprising is that most entrepreneurs don’t even know, and therefore, aren’t using this unique skill to its full potential.
As a highly sensitive entrepreneur, there are things you can do to combat the coping mechanisms that come automatically with being an HSE, and Heather gives some great insight on how to do this.
[pullquote align=”normal”]“We have to learn how to embrace this and how to really use it to our benefit and our advantage than having it work against us.”[/pullquote]
On this episode of My Quest for the Best we’re sharing this interview with Heather, who’s teaching us how to use HSE abilities to thrive in business and in other relationships.
Click here to listen to this interview.
In this interview, Heather also discusses how Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs can play a role in shaping their environment, and what HSE’s can do to better their workplace.
Click here to listen to this interview on iTunes.
You can keep up with Heather Dominick and his work by following her on Twitter or checking out her website.
Bill Ringle, Host and executive producer of My Quest for the Best, a top 50 business podcast on iTunes.
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