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As a thank you for becoming an email subscriber at My Quest for the Best, you now have access to this special set of tools and tips to help get your journey of excellence for ambitious business owners started.
Step 1 – Join our Facebook group.
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Step 2 – Download Special Reports
Below are a collection of favorite My Quest for the Best resources that we’d like you to have as a valued member of our community.
Just click the images to download the particular PDF and enjoy reading on your computer or mobile device.
Special Reports for Small Business Leaders
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Get this PDF report for some of the best tips our experts have shared on maximizing your sales and improving lifetime customer value. Applying these ideas in your business can plug some important (and expensive!) leaks in your profit bucket each and every month.
Click above to download this resource
This special report for members of the My Quest for the Best community shares the methods that our expert guests use to improve delegation and avoid misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and other symptoms of sloppy delegation practices. Get this report and put the recommendations to use in your business today!
Click above to download this resource
Burnout and overwhelm can affect everyone in business if you’re not aware of the dangers.Take a look at what these business leaders do to safeguard themselves and their people when the pressure in on and tensions are running high.
Click above to download this resource
New business is expensive to come by – it takes longer and costs more than lateral sales, upsells, or resells. That’s why you want to read proven techniques by these successful business leaders as each describes his or her best method for finding new business.
What’s Next?
The My Quest for the Best approach encourages you to adopt, adapt, and test the strategies and tools recommended on the show. One of the best ways to discover new things to listen to our experts and comb through the show notes to find strategies to apply and stories to inspire you and your team.
Check Out Some of Our Most Popular Episodes
Please Remember
Just knowing where you are along the roadmap will help you succeed. The more you do strive to be and share your best, the better you’ll feel and perform every single day.
If you missed joining our Facebook group at the top of the page, you can click that big blue button now or just follow this link to join the My Quest for the Best community. It will be worth your while!
When our lives and business relationships work better, we’re already feeling better and being nicer people.
So continue on My Quest for the Best, receiving encouragement and field reports each week to stay on track.
Bill Ringle and the My Quest for the Best team