Feedback Your Way to Greatness with Jonathan Raymond

Today I want you to be motivated by Jonathan Raymond, who insists that you stop running from uncertainty and, instead, embrace it. Jonathan is a master in the art of giving feedback that counts, because, he believes, feedback is the key to seeing actual change in an organization.

You may be thinking: “But feedback can be so intimidating! What if they take it the wrong way, or worse, what if they don’t listen?” Jonathan’s response to this would be: “What if they take it the right way? What if they DO listen?”

On today’s episode of My Quest for the Best, we’re sharing this courage-driven interview with Refound CEO Jonathan Raymond, who’s telling us why success is lying just beyond our comfort zone.

Are you already the courageous manager that loves giving (and getting) feedback? Jonathan’s interview is also filled to the brim with additional tips for creating a culture of accountability to help you get to that next level of connectivity, cohesion, and collaboration.

Click here to listen to this interview on ITUNES.

Make Feedback Great Again! 

Bill Ringle, Host and executive producer of My Quest for the Best, a top 50 business podcast on iTunes.

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