Discover the Road to Excellence with David Mattson

Today I want you to learn from David Mattson, who has worked out some of the crucial blind spots to building a successful business, some of which are more surprising than others. Some of these have a lot to do with how sales managers are failing to link their employees’ personal and corporate goals.

[pullquote align=”normal”]“People will work harder for themselves than they will for you.”[/pullquote]

Click here to listen to this interview.

It’s incredible how often sales managers overlook this important element of employee motivation, linking their personal and corporate goals is essential if you want to see the growth you’ve been missing out on.

On this episode of My Quest for the Best, we’re sharing this great interview with David Mattson, who is showing us how we can get past our blind spots!

In addition to his expertise on overcoming blindspots, David also knows what it takes to perform at a high level. He goes into depth about the 6 phases of the Excellence Process: Planning, Positions, People, Processes, Performetrics, Passion.

Click here to listen to this interview on iTunes.

You can keep up with Dave Mattson and his work with Sandler by checking out their website or following him on twitter @Dave_Mattson. 


Bill Ringle, Host and executive producer of My Quest for the Best, a top 50 business podcast on iTunes.

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