Decide to Profit with Dorriah Rogers

Today I want you to let Dorriah Rogers inspire you to think differently, look more closely, and decide that now is the time to really start seeing the success you deserve.

Dorriah believes that you really can decide when it’s time for your company to go from struggle to success. She’s so convinced that she even wrote a book about it. It’s called Decide to Profit: 9 Steps to a Better Bottom Line, and it’s the kind of thing that seems too good to be true. But is it?

Nope. It’s the real deal. And by the end of this podcast episode you will be a believer too.

Click here to listen to this interview on ITUNES.

Deciding to Profit can happen anytime, regardless of whether your business is brand new or 20 years old. There are powerful observations in this interview that can be applied to any stage in a business’s development, and you certainly don’t want to miss out.

Click here to listen to this interview on ITUNES.

Success awaits!

Bill Ringle, 
Host and executive producer of My Quest for the Best, a top 50 business podcast on iTunes.

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