87: Cross Cultural Selling – Featured Interview with Michael Soon Lee

Certified Speaking Professional and President of EthnoConnect

>>> Visit MyQuestforTheBest.com for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth.

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Listen to this interview to learn:

  • The secret to listening to your customers to meet their real needs, not what you assume they want/need
  • Three practical tips to avoid insulting prospective customers that many United States business people do automatically and unintentionally
  • Some of the key cultural differences used in negotiating
  • A subspecialty of the medical industry that is very entrepreneurial
  • What to do instead of ignoring someone’s culture to build a genuine bond and relationship

Expert Bio

Michael Soon Lee is the President of EthnoConnect™, a company that provides seminars, training, consulting, and coaching on how to sell more products and services to the multicultural market in America. He has also served as a Marketing Director for the State of California, a professor of marketing at universities, and a producer for the ABC Television Network.

He is the first Asian American in the history of the National Speakers Association to earn the Certified Speaking Professional designation, and has spoken around the world on the subject of selling to multicultural customers for over 14 years. He was recently named a 2012 Top5 Speaker by Speakers Platform in the Communication and Diversity category.

Michael has also written five books on selling to multicultural customers, including Cross-Cultural Selling for Dummies and Black Belt Negotiating.

For more information, visit Michael’s website.

Contact Info for Michael Soon Lee

Business Phone: 800-427-7325

Web address: EthnoConnect.com

Travels From: San Francisco, CA

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Books by Michael Soon Lee