62: The Reactor Factor – Interview with Marsha Petrie Sue

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Certified Speaking Professional, Bestselling Author, and CEO of MPS, Inc.

Scottsdale, AZ

Listen to this interview to learn:

  • The TLC of Choice
  • How many people have mental terrorism going on in their own heads
  • What to do instead of trying to change others to suit your purposes
  • A philosophy of giving that helps Marsha contribute on such a big scale to her customers and clients and friends

Expert Bio

Marsha Petrie Sue, “The Accountability Master”, is the President and CEO of MPS, Inc., a speaking practice and executive coaching and training company. She has worked with clients like American Express, the US Army, and Wells Fargo Bank to create a stimulating environment for leaders and employees through personal accountability, challenged thinking and acceptance of change.

Marsha has been both Member of the Year and President of Arizona Chapter of the National Speakers Association.

She has produced over 37 titles of CDs, DVDs and books, including the bestselling Toxic People: Decontaminating Toxic People in the Workplace Without Using Weapons or Duct TapeThe Reactor Factor: How to Handle Difficult Work Situations Without Going Nuclear, and The CEO of YOU: Leading Yourself to Success. Her expertise has been cited in The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalUSA Today, and many other publications.

For more information, visit Marsha’s website.

Contact Info for Marsha Petrie Sue

Business Phone: 866-661-8756

Web address: MarshaPetrieSue.com

Travels From: Phoenix, AZ

Follow Marsha: Twitter 

Books by Marsha Petrie Sue