53: Contented Cows – Interview with Richard Hadden

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Leadership Speaker, Author, and Consultant

Jacksonville, FL

Listen to this interview to learn:

  • About the fundamentals of leadership and good customer service.
  • How diversification and targeting leads your business to greater success.
  • The importance of meaning and mentorship to employee retention.

Expert Bio

Richard Hadden is a Certified Speaking Professional who focuses on employee relations and creating a great place to work. Over the course of his career, he has served as Director of Product Development at a software company; started his own software consulting business; and taught software design, principles of management, and international economics at Jacksonville University. He began working as a trainer and consultant to corporations in 1991. Since then he has delivered keynote presentations and training programs for more than 800 audiences on five continents.

Richard is co-author of the “Contented Cows” leadership book series, which includes Contented Cows Give Better Milk, Contented Cows MOOve Faster, and the new Rebooting Leadership.

For more information, visit Richard’s website.

Contact Info for Richard Hadden

Business Phone: 904.720.0870 or 800.940.7006 (toll free)

Web address: ContentedCows.com

Travels From: Jacksonville, FL

Follow Richard: Twitter

Books by Richard Hadden