49: Soft Sell – Interview with Tim Connor

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President and CEO of Connor Resource Group and Peak Performance Institute

Davidson, NC

Listen to this interview to learn:

  • The difference between a calling and a career
  • Tim’s favorite 3 questions for helping executives focus on needed change
  • Why the fear of failure is one of the most costly indulgences for business leaders
  • What is the litmus test for whether someone in business is fully engaged or not

Expert Bio

Tim Connor is the President and CEO of Connor Resource Group and Peak Performance Institute. He is a full-time professional speaker, trainer, coach, consultant and bestselling author. A Certified Speaking Professional, he has given over 4000 presentations since 1973 in twenty-one countries around the world.

Each year over 85% of his presentations are return engagements for the same clients on such topics as peak performance management, effective leadership, customer focused sales strategies, personal motivation, value driven customer service and building positive business and personal relationships.

Tim is the best selling author of over 70 books, including several international bestsellers, Soft Sell (now in 21 Languages), 81 Management Challenges, Your First Year in Sales, 91 Mistakes Smart Salespeople Make, SOLD, and Above Ground.

For more information, visit Tim’s website.

Contact Info for Tim Connor

Business Phone: 704-895-1230

Web address: TimConnor.com

Travels From: Charlotte, NC

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Books by Tim Connor

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