Anne Janzer, author of Get the Word Out: Write a Book That Makes a Difference
Bill Ringle and Anne Janzer discuss the beneficial reasons for writing a book, overcoming common obstacles, and how to maximize a book as part of your business growth strategy for small business leaders.

>>> Visit for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth. My Quest for the Best is a top-rated small business podcast with over 350 episodes of thought-provoking and insightful interviews with today’s top thought leaders and business experts. Host Bill Ringle’s mission with this show is to provide the strategies, insights, and resources that will unlock the growth potential of your business through these powerful conversations.
Interview Insights
Top 3 Takeaways
- Thought leaders do not put out their ideas to the world for glorification but to serve their clients, students, customers, and colleagues.
- By modeling the tone and style of their writing, thought leaders give their audiences the information and insights that they need.
- Writing for your readers makes you a part of a community. In fact, you create and expand your community.
Read the Show Notes from this Episode
- Denise Brosseau’s quote on “Thought leaders speak on behalf of others” highly influenced Anne’s book. [01:11]
- What does ‘service authorship’ mean? [02:22]
- How come writing isn’t a solitary activity as many expect? How writing for others else helps authors focus and produce. [03:22]
- CASE: Sarah changed her book structure based on who she wanted to serve. Twice! [04:43]
- What is the ‘pond metaphor’ and what can it teach us about reaching a bigger audience by starting small? [05:56]
- What does it mean to a writer to ‘prime the pump in writing’? [08:16]
- CASE: Kathy Capino exemplifies how a book does not always end up as the author expects when starting. Her research and interactions changed the texture and nature of her book. [09:20]
- CASE: Steve transitioned from writing his memoir to writing a business book. [10:18]
- What are the six steps of the sprint framework? Start with the easy, prime, relax, incubate, notice, and trust your future self. [11:55]
- How does it help authors to be more collaborative and less competitive? [21:42]
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Expert Bio
Anne Janzer is an award-winning author, nonfiction writing coach, and unabashed writing geek committed to helping people make a positive impact with their writing. She supports and encourages writers and authors through her books, blog posts, webinars, and teaching.
Her writing-related books explore the science and practice of effective writing.
Before she started writing books, Anne was a freelance marketing consultant, working with more than a hundred technology businesses to articulate positioning and messaging in crowded markets.
She’s been writing business emails longer than she cares to admit—and has made all of the mistakes in her latest book, and more, over the years. She wants to save others from the same problems.
Contact Info and Social Media for Anne Janzer
- Primary website
- Travels from: San Luis Obispo, CA
Resources Mentioned During the Interview
Below are key people, places, books, quotes, websites, and other resources that we discussed, so you can explore further.
- My Quest for the Best interviews:
- Books by Kathy Caprino:
- Breakdown Breakthrough
- The Most Powerful You