234: How to inspire people and improve performance with guest expert Sylvia Melena

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Sylvia Melena and Bill Ringle discuss how small business leaders can use accountability to drive performance and results.

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Sylvia Melena, author of Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance

Top 3 Takeaways from this Interview

  • The purpose of accountability is really to support your team and to set them up for success.
  • Accountability is really a way of driving performance and results.
  • Progression is about helping them meet performance expectations if they aren’t already.

Interview Insights

Read the Show Notes from this Episode

  • Sylvia explains how her parents influenced her to connect to her potential. [00:47]
  • Can you share with me an example of how excellence influenced a particular decision you made or the action you took? [03:01]
  • When you put your effort and energy and someone recognizes you, it validates and it says that it was appreciated. [04:35]
  • Was there a turning point that crystallizes that you want to teach appreciation? [05:06]
  • Sylvia talks about her career as a consultant and a writer [07:30]
  • Regarding the Model of Supportive Accountability, what else would you say to help someone get the gist about how to think about supportive accountability? [09:27]
  • The bottom line of the model is about balancing supportive leadership and accountability. [09:33]
  • What is it that can bring to a situation and allow managers to see themselves and allow them to do to rectify that situation? [10:34]
  • What are the things that you teach about expectations that will help deepen the ability of the manager [12:27]
  • She talks about congruence between her work and values [15:57]Sylvia talk about collaborative communication and explains it [17:51]
  • My Quest for the Best Lightning Round [19:55]

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Expert Bio 

SYLVIA MELENA is the Founder and CEO of Melena Consulting Group, a leadership and management consulting and training company. She is also the architect of the Supportive Accountability Leadership Model, a simple but powerful framework that helps leaders engage employees, promote accountability, and boost performance.

Sylvia is the author of Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance. The book won an International Latino Book Award and a San Diego Book Award.  

With a Master of Arts in Leadership and Organizational Studies and nearly 20 years in the trenches of management, Sylvia has led individuals, small teams, and entire workforces into notable performance improvement.  

Contact Info for Sylvia Melena

Web address: https://leadershipstrength.com/

Travels from: La Mesa, CA

Social  Media Links:

​Books Authored by the Sylvia Melena

Supportive Accountability: How to Inspire People and Improve Performance by Sylvia Melana

Resources Mentioned During the Interview