229: Michal Stawicki, author of Driven by Purpose

Michal Stawicki, author of Directed by Purpose

Michal Stawicki  and Bill Ringle discuss Directed by Purpose

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Top 3 Takeaways from this Interview

  • A personal mission statement is a compass to guide your life. Though the terrain of your life can change rapidly, using this compass will ensure you always find happiness and success.
  • Creating a personal mission statement seems to be a good starting point to avoid common regrets at the end of your life.
  • Always have the end goal in your mind. You are looking for your destiny. That’s your ultimate focus.

Interview Insights

Read the Show Notes from this Episode

Q: So when you were growing up, who’s someone who influenced and/or inspired you?A: The person who really inspired me was my father, and it wasn’t by preaching, it was by example. [01:18]Q: How do you discover your purpose? What is purpose?A: It was reading “The Slight Edge” written by Jeff Olson in 2012. I was in vacation in Ireland, visiting my parents. And my sister read this book, and I borrowed it, I read it in one day, and I couldn’t get rid of its message. And the message is “Success is simple discipline repeated over time.” [04:48]I listened to Covey’s advice to create a personal statement…And how did I define my statement? It wasn’t really a statement, it was a document of about one thousand words, but it states everything I want to achieve in my life [06:42]Q: Can you talk about what mission statements in terms of either before and after you have mission statements in your life?…Also about others…A: Well, the absolutely stunning was observing is that my personal statement and what happened to my own life…my life statement was like shattering my self-limiting beliefs…For example I don’t really feel that I am a writer after…and until February of 2015 I’m repeating this sentence, I am a writer…. [08:41]Q: What did you do about how to uncover your own strengths?A: One of my core values is self-discovery and it’s part of my personal statement…I spent 15 minutes every morning writing one question about myself, and then trying to answer it…which was processed by my conscious mind mostly not just emotions and whatever comes from subconscious…and this is the way i discover myself. [13:41] Journaling force me to consciously process what’s in me…those emotions, those plans, those ambitions…[15:46] Q: What’s your approach with the question that you use as an example?A: Example, I ask myself “well, is it really true that God is omnipotent and loves me or not? And then just processing consciously this question. [17:00] Q: How did you use your journal to help prepare for that type of trip that you took with your wife?A: I wrote something like “what should I finish before the publication?” So I’ve got some things to finish. And I got it from my head into the paper. [17:55] Q: What examples of questions that you repeated that’s lead to more clarity?A: Well it happened like the whole idea of writing idea for a book. [19:00] Q: Is journalling something you use to help you understand and analyze what topics you want to write about in order to develop your book series?A: Yes, in fact I think my way of writing a book is brainstorming, what I want to write about, what are the angles I can use…[20:49]My Quest for the Best Lightning Round [24:01]

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Expert Bio

Michal Stawicki is on a mission to support individuals who feel helpless to expand beyond their limits so that they can regain the control over their lives.

In 2012, Michal read the book titled “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson, and he started to turn his life around.In the next seven years, he lost weight, broke over 200 personal fitness records, developed dozens of daily habits, doubled his income, started a book advertising business, liberated his wife from a day job and published sixteen books sharing how he achieved all of the above. He regularly blogs at ExpandBeyondYourself.com, and the story of his life’s transformation was featured in the re-release of “The Slight Edge” in 2013.

Contact Info for Michal Stawicki

Web address: http://www.expandbeyondyourself.com/

Travels from: Mazowieckie Province, Poland

Social  Media Links: LinkedIn | Twitter

​Books Authored by the Guest

Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a LIfe at Disney by Lee Cockerell

Resources Mentioned During the Interview
