224: Operating with Higher Levels of Integrity, interview with Katie Hendricks, PhD

Katie and Gay’s article on Operational Integrity

Katie Hendricks and Bill Ringle discuss integrity, operating agreements, and the underlying dynamics of strong relationships in small businesses and beyond.

>>> Visit MyQuestforTheBest.com for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth.

Top 3 Takeaways from this Interview

  • How appreciation can be used effectively as a management tool.
  • How staying connected to your body through deliberate breaths helps you make better decisions.
  • The importance of cultivating creativity in business relationships.

Interview Insights

Read the Show Notes from this Episode

  • Katie shares her inspirations and how they inspired her. [1:07]
  • Katie gives the definition of Integrity from her perspective. [5:06]
  • Bill Ringle highlights some of the key elements Katie shares about the principles of operational integrity. [6:08]
  • Katie discusses how integrity skills are doable and how one can practice the same. [7:04]
  • Katie tells what is it the people can do to strengthen their ability to listen and speak up before they are brought in an agreement they don’t want to be part of. [8:47]
  • How three simple breaths can reset your physical and mental position. [9:57]
  • Katie tells us why we are addicted to adrenaline and fear. [12:38]
  • Why is it important to listen to our body when it is stressed out? [13:47]
  • How does doing things always in hurry hinders the creativity? [15:33]
  • Why is adrenaline a nonrenewable resource? [17:00]
  • How you can renew your fuel source?[17:50]
  • Katie speaks about the  online resources where you can find her work on shifting fear. [22:51]

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Expert Bio

Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT, has been an evolutionary catalyst, successful entrepreneur and body intelligence pioneer since the 1970s. Passionate about the power of embodied integrity and emergence, her work explores the how of consciousness, the structures and practices that befriend and transform fear into presence, connection and creative solutions.

She is the co-author (with her partner Gay Hendricks) of twelve books, including the best-selling a, At The Speed of Life and the new Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationship at Midlife and Beyond. Katie has developed a unique coaching and leadership program that has trained hundreds of coaches in the U.S. and Europe.

She co-founded the Spiritual Cinema Circle and the Virtual Body Intelligence Summit. She has appeared on over 500 radio and television programs and traveled well over one million air miles as the ambassador for the work that she and her husband Gay Hendricks have developed.

Katie earned a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and has been a Board Certified-Dance/Movement Therapist of the American Dance Therapy Association since 1975.

Contact Info for Katie Hendricks

Web address: www.hendricks.com

Travels from: Ojai, CA, United States

Social  Media Links: LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Books Authored by the Kathlyn Hendricks, PhD

Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Commitment Conscious Loving Ever After: How to Create Thriving Relationships at Midlife and Beyond The Conscious Heart: Seven Soul-Choices That Create Your Relationship Destiny CENTERING AND THE ART OF INTIMACY: A NEW PSYCHOLOGY OF CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Attracting Genuine Love: A Step-by-Step Program to Bring a Loving and Desirable Partner into Your Life

Resources Mentioned During the Interview