130: The Ridiculously High Cost of Not Listening – Featured Interview with Chuck Wall

Author and Founder of Customer CEO

>>> Visit MyQuestforTheBest.com for complete show notes and more expert advice and inspiring stories to propel your small business growth.

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Founder of Customer CEO Chuck Wall talks to Bill Ringle about brand recognition and the ridiculously high cost of not listening to your customer.

Listen to this interview to learn:

  • The big idea behind why Starbucks ≠ coffee and how it has helped the company prosper
  • Insights into the Clayton Christensen model of looking at what work needs to be done
  • What it really means when a company is customer-centric and how that becomes a competitive advantage
  • The transformation you can use to turn pain points into gain points at your company
  • How to avoid the trap of becoming overly dependent on big data analysis

Expert Bio

Chuck Wall is the founder of Customer CEO, a customer insight, engagement and marketing consultancy. For the past 15 years, Chuck has passionately taught organizations about the genuine value of understanding their customers in order to facilitate growth.

Based on his work of more than 100,000 customer interviews and suverys, Chuck’s new book Customer CEO: How to Profit from the Power of Your Customers explores how companies can navigate the new business dynamic that customers are primary decision makers in business.

As an expert in explaining unmet needs of customers through primary research, Chuck translates his knowledge into actionable insight to help organizations design innovative products, services, and experiences. He aims to serve every customer with gratitude and humility, inspire through example and teach practical business solutions that will help contriubute to a better world.

Prior to launching Customer CEO, Chuck started six other enterprises across multiple industries, including manufacturing, media, technology, marketing and insurance. A serial entrepreneur, Chuck has a deep understanding of entrepreneurship, business, strategy and marketing and is passionate about sharing that knowledge with others.

Chuck has shared his knowledge working as a business strategy and marketing advisor to companies of every size. His clients have included HP, Intel, Campbell’s Soup and Yahoo!.

For more information, visit Chuck’s blog.

Contact Info for Chuck Wall

Travels From: Austin, TX

Web address: CustomerCEObook.com

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Books by Chuck Wall
